Prayers for a Missing Boy: “We need to do something.”

Fellow Homo Sapiens, “People feel they need to do something” says Reverend Beti Wyn James regarding the disappearance of an 11 year old boy. I am inclined to say that I completely agree. That is why there is, “a team of 50 involved in the search including Dyfed-Powys Police, the fire service, coastguard and lifeboat teams”, looking for Cameron who is thought to have fallen into a river. So, why bother posting to say that I agree with something? Well, because she isn’t talking about actually going out and looking for the poor boy, she is talking about gathering in a church to pray, as a means of “doing something” about a missing child. She not only thinks it will help, but actually provides this proposed ‘action’ with import.

If you believe in a god who answers prayers, then you have to ask why there are children dying of bone cancer, children born with and dying of AIDS, amputees who have never been granted the regrowth of an arm, yet you believe that praying to this god will remedy the situation whereby a boy is not in your presence. If you honestly believe that a deity willing to dish out such torment as stated above, would go out of his/her way to return a missing child, I must inquire as to the logic of your argument. The idea that murmuring in a reverberant stone venue to an invisible celestial dictator will change something in the world isn’t even the most frustrating part of it. The most frustrating parts about this sort of credulity are that if Cameron is found, the team of 50 will not be giving due credit for searching tirelessly and actually working hard to find him, that credit will be given to their god. The second part is, should Cameron not be found, their god will not be blamed. This sort of immunity to the principle of our justice system is beyond anything anyone would consider fair, and is downright illogical.

Someone else’s own personal illogicalities are of no concern to me and anyone is welcome to them, but it must not be encouraged, celebrated or given undue respect in the public square to the point where even criticising it is considered rude, because this kind of “help” that the Reverend believes she is providing, is no help whatsoever and is in fact the opposite of help, because those people gathering in the church could have been out looking for Cameron and potentially making a real difference to the actual world.
